Richard Jones' Log: Please, MySQL, just drop the database!
Bloody MySQL. I'm so close to just dropping it from Roundup. Only problem is that I now have users who use it. More than metakit, it would seem. Apparently there's a myth out there that MySQL is good, or something.
As previously noted, I'm having trouble managing the test database. The solution at that time was to "rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/rounduptest". Which is fine for a one-off fix. But currently if I try:
mysql> drop database rounduptest; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
(Aside: M*A*S*H was on TV here recently ;)
According to the docs, the command should actually report the number of files removed from disk (as "rows", but I shan't say anything, noo). So even though it's quite happy that the "Query" is "OK", it's clearly not.
The solution to this mess? I have to manually drop all the tables before I drop the database. This was not required in previous versions of MySQL. It's not mentioned in the documentation.
I've logged a bug report about this... for now though, Roundup's unit tests manually iterate through a "SHOW TABLES" listing and drop all the tables. Eugh.
Nah, I have a work-around. At the moment, I'm trying to get Postgresql to pass the unit tests again. I've got some sort of strange problem with hanging connections (which most likely means I've missed a connection.close() somewhere, but I'm pretty fastidious about such things these days...)
Meh. Databases.
I used MySQL only because my current server only has RH8.0, doesn't have sqlite or metakit as RPM.
Please dont' drop MySQL. I dont use it yet (if i went to a full RDBMS it'd be postgres), but it's good for roundup adoption.