Richard Jones' Log: OSDC 2006 report so far

Thu, 07 Dec 2006

OSDC has been an amazing success so far. We've got about 15% more attendees over last year (about 180 or so). The talks have been really good and varied. On the down-side there's been technical, organisational and viral issues (I've had a nasty cold that developed the day before the conference and is still going strong) yet feedback from attendees has been overwhelmingly positive.

Andy Todd and others have taken a bunch of photos which are up on flickr, tagged osdc and osdcmelb2006.

My two talks are out of the way, which is nice. I was much more confident this year with almost no nerves even though my "Shiny" talk had the theatre packed (people were sitting in the aisles).

What's Old is New Again was pretty well-received and attended. It wasn't quite the talk I'd hoped, but I got across a number of important ideas so it was worth it. And I learnt a thing or two too :)

The highlight for me was presenting Shiny, Pretty Things. Even though there was a technical problem* I still managed to muddle on through and demonstrate everything I was hoping to demonstrate. And there seemed to be some real interest in pyglet too, which isn't hard to imagine given its potential. People wanted to download it, wanted to know how they can find out more. I just kept having to say that it's pre-pre-pre-alpha :)

*: pyglet got confused somehow when trying to open a window while the projector was plugged in. It works fine when plugged into an LCD or old CRT monitor, but for some reason the projector was special. We're still quite stumped by the error, but are confident we can sort it out. Of course the big problem is that we can only reproduce the problem whilst plugged into a projector at the conference ...

Comment by David Boddie on Thu, 07 Dec 2006

And I bet the problem wouldn't occur if you tried it with a projector beforehand. You have to be giving a talk at a conference to be able to reproduce it. ;-)

Comment by Steve Kryskalla on Fri, 08 Dec 2006

Will your presentations be available online in some format?

Comment by Richard Jones on Fri, 08 Dec 2006

Yes, I intend to post it right here, over time.