**Before The Challenge** Make sure you have working versions of the libraries you're going to use. Make sure you can build packages to submit as your final submission (if you're going to use py2exe, make sure you know how to use it and that it works). If you don't have access to Linux, Windows or a Mac to test on, contact friends, family or other competitors to find someone who is able to test for you. **During The Challenge** Plan on spending at least several hours packaging and testing your packaging. Allow time for planning your game (for example 1/5 of the total time) Allow time for *polishing* the game by adding instructions, opening menus, level transition screens, game over screen (for example 1/5 of the total time) Upload screenshots and put them in diary entries! Hang around in the IRC channel. **Bundling Your Entry** *We need good instructions telling people how to create their submission. Stuff like:* * archivers to use (ZIP and TAR.GZ are OK) * suggested directory structure to use (including top-leve files like README.txt and LICENSE.txt) * how to bundle other libs (pure python may be imported, but others will need to be built) * what to include in downloader instructions (ie. the README.txt) * licenses to choose from