Wed, 07 May 2003
RSS - the "define your own" specification ...

I've added more people to the list for the Python Programmer Weblogs aggregation page, but alas yet again most of their RSS feeds are disabled. Usually this is because their RSS items don't contain publication dates or the dates are in some format that pyblagg's simplistic parser can't cope with. The result is that their items float near the top of the page.

I'm looking into RDF and the like a little more seriously these days, since it's related to my work. I have to say that while RDF is well-defined, the actual information RDF can be used to describe is very much a moving target :) One of these days I'll read the actual RSS specs so I can make an informed statement in the pyblagg code as to what a date really should look like :)

I'll probably have to mandate that we use RSS 1.0 with the Dublin Core Module. That's probably being too restrictive though...

Anyway, it'll happen when I find some more spare time, possibly after I release a new version of Roundup, which has been pending for ... well, far too long. Sometime after I've grown tired of playing with my recent birthday present, Freelancer. Yes, it's every bit as pretty as I'd hoped. Unfortunately, the gameplay isn't as extensive as I (and a lot of other players) would have liked. Fingers crossed for an update release with more varied mission types...

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