Richard Jones' Log: de_lab development process described
For the curious, I've written a short history of the development of de_lab. It's not particularly detailed, but includes some development artwork :)
Hey man your map is awsome as!
I have just started on a map called de_airbase and I hope it is a awsome as yours! Can you email me some tips for lighting ""!
I haven't even opened up the downloaded zip of your map yet, but the screenshots look excellent!
I'm working on a map too. It's my FIFTH attempt from scratch. =(
I'm gonna look at the source in Hammer, because i'm having some real difficulty. My thanks in advance for the help your vmf file will provide.
Mate, your an inspiration. Just realised that mapping is more fun than playing - and a lot harder!
Man, really nice looking map and you builded it in 1 month, mine took a half year and still did not feel good, keep up the good work you are doing