Richard Jones' Log: Response to "All quiet on the Bugtracker front"

Thu, 12 May 2005

I was directed to "All quiet on the Bugtracker front" by Chris Ryland (sponsor of the Subversion - Roundup Integration project). There didn't seem to be any way to reply to that post, or otherwise contact the author, so here's a reponse.

In short, Roundup fulfills all criteria you specify. Without breaking a sweat.

Comment by Lennart Regebro on Fri, 13 May 2005


Well, for us Python/Zope developers, it's not bad. Although configuring software by changing Python files is certainly not something for the weak. :)

A GUI for tasks like this would be a big step forward, but that's probably quite impossible as long as the configuration actually precides in source code.

What I can't figure out is how to set up lists of products that in turn have lists of milestones, so that I can assign a certain issue to a milestone.

Comment by Richard on Fri, 13 May 2005

I've not had anyone complaining about the complexity of the configuration process, so I don't think it's an issue. Compare the file with SQL, for example :) Anyway, if you have specific questions, I (or someone else) would be more than happy to answer them on the roundup-users mailing list.

Comment by Richard on Fri, 13 May 2005

Also, I feel I should point out that it's bad form to bag out someone's software with no way for them to respond (I still can't see any way to comment on your weblog post directly to answer your allegations).