Richard Jones' Log: 48-hour game programming comp, Oct 15-17
The 48-Hour Game Programming Competition is a "mostly from scratch", timed, solo coding challenge where all willing game developers spend their allowed time making the best game they can under a common theme.
I've got the comp site up and running, taking registrations and testing some of the voting / rating features. The themes list is quite long and mostly interesting. I think I'm going to have lots of fun - hopefully the site will look after itself :)
In all, it took me about two days to develop the site - that includes the voting systems (instant-runoff and best-ten), rating system, weblog customisations (including the aggregate log), registration (including "home" dir setup), security setup, some basic styling and other content. About half of the work was done through the web (general content, security), the other half using on-disk Products or Extensions (voting, rating, weblog and registration). Zope's pretty cool, sometimes :)