Richard Jones' Log: Another PyWeek is over - rejoice in new Python games

Mon, 24 Sep 2007

PyWeek number 5 just officially finished with the peer-based judging of entries complete.

Congratulations to the winners (Disk Field and Wound Up!) and everyone else who participated. This Pyweek saw yet another modest growth in particpation:

Challenge Entries People Finished
1 112160 26
2 78130 36
3 82143 30
4 102191 53
5 111220 50

Sadly, I couldn't compete this time. I even had to enlist some helpers to code up some new website functionality and sort out some of the administrivia during the challenge. Big thanks to them!

Yes, the web server melted down again - this time due to the default apache configuration of 256 processes not nearly fitting into the ~600MB virtual machine donated by