Richard Jones' Log: Another pyglet update
pyglet's tile/sprite bits got event handling in the last couple of days. I reckon it's pretty cool and should greatly simplify development of sprite/tile based games (that use the mouse). It looks like (given a view):
# attach the following event handler to the view @event(view) # only highlight cells @for_cells() def on_mouse_enter(cells, x, y): ' The mouse is hovering over the indicated cells. ' @event(view) @for_cells() def on_mouse_leave(cells): ' The mouse has stopped hovering over these cells. ' @event(view) # just for the car sprite @for_sprites([car]) def on_mouse_press(sprites, button, x, y, modifiers): ' Car has been clicked ' # also: def on_mouse_release(sprites_or_cells, button, x, y, modifiers): pass def on_mouse_drag(sprites_or_cells, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): pass def on_view_enter(sprites_or_cells, x, y): ''' sprite or cell has entered the View (even if potentially obscured by another cell / sprite) ''' def on_view_leave(sprites_or_cells, x, y): ' sprite or cell has left the View '
@event says what event dispatcher to hook the handler on to. The @for_cells() call tells the dispatcher to generate events for all map cells for all maps in the view. We could have passed a list of maps to interrogate as @for_cells([m1, m2, m3]). We also could have said @for_cells(is_base=True) to have it only generate events for cells that have properties['is_base'] == True. If we didn't say @for_cells then we'd get events for sprites too. For example:
@for_cells() # for any map cell @for_cells([map, map]) # may have multiple maps # event could be generated for every cell in the map(s) @for_cells([map], name=value, name=value) # looks up property by name on Cell, then Tile, then TileSet @for_cells([map], id='exit_door') # could be defined on Cell or Tile -- "id" special-cased as an attribute @for_cells([map], red_base=True) @for_cells([map], type='grass') # would be defined on Tiles by convention - but there's nothing # stopping an exceptional Cell having a "type" property @for_cells([map], group='grass') # would be defined on TileSets by convention @for_sprites() # all sprites are active @for_sprites([list of sprites]) # limited list of sprites active # filters may be chained: @event(view) @for_cells([map1], ...) @for_cells([map2], ...) def on_mouse_press(cell, ...): ...
There's a practical demonstration of this and another new feature -- adding drawing effects to Cells, Tiles, etc (any "Drawable") -- in tests/scene2d/