Richard Jones' Log: Photo border and copyright script
Sun, 07 Mar 2004
Just threw this PIL-using Python script together to automatically resize and add a border with copyright notice to my Photo Friday images:
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- import sys, Image, ImageOps photo =[1]) photo.thumbnail((500, 500), Image.ANTIALIAS) copy ='/home/richard/Documents/�2004') photo = ImageOps.expand(photo, border=copy.size[1]) photo.paste(copy, (photo.size[0]-copy.size[0], photo.size[1]-copy.size[1]))'out.jpg')
Yes, I cheated and used a pre-drawn image for the copyright text. Rendering that is left as an exercise for the reader :)
[Edit: switched to using the thumbnail method, thanks Ian Bicking for the pointer in the comments]
[Edit 2: indicated that I use PIL :)]
Ah, I'd completely forgotten about that method.
If you're going to use it, don't forget that unlike some other methods it modifies the image in-place, and returns None.
You need to fix your copyright image so it says 'mechanical' ... you left out the *h*!!
Heh :)
I think Image objects have a thumbnail method that will decrease the size but keep the aspect ratio, which I think will save a few lines and allow for non-square constraining sizes.