Richard Jones' Log: Python on the EEE PC
Thu, 03 Jan 2008
The EEE PC has Python 2.4 and 2.5 installed. It runs pyglet fine as long as you setenv PYGLET_VSYNC=0 or the opengl driver has a fit. It has a bunch of modules installed to 2.4 by default (including Imaging, pygtk, pyqt, pygnome and cairo). There doesn't seem to be a dependency on the 2.5 install - I'm not sure why it's there, but I'm glad it is :)
It sure is a great little machine. That's it pictured on top of my work Dell laptop.
CPU performance is fine - I'm doing pyglet development on it :)
What's the CPU performance like? I wouldn't expect much, but I'm curious how usable it is as an occasional development machine.