Richard Jones' Log: Subversion - Roundup Integration

Tue, 26 Apr 2005

I've just put the final touches on the first release of Subversion - Roundup Integration. It handles modifying issues from svn commit messages, and displaying revision information in a Roundup tracker. The repos can be local or remote to the roundup tracker.

Comment by Jerry Spicklemire on Thu, 07 Jul 2005

The news about Roundup -> SVN integration is great! Now, is there anywhere I can find current instructions on how to install Roundup on Linux? The document I found

says that after running the commands

python install


roundup-admin install.

there should be a file, but no. There is a config.ini file. Should I edit that instead?

Also, it says there should be a directory called support, but no. At least the error message that turns up after I follow the instructions to run the command:

roundup-server -p 8080 support=/opt/roundup/trackers/support

says it can't find a directory called "support". I can't find that directory either, so I guess the file system is still working OK, at least.

Also, in some places it says you can use PostgreSQL, but in other places it looks as if that option isn't available.

Is there anywhere I can find correct, updated help with this? So many folks have said good things about Roundup that I really want to use it. First, I have to get it installed . . .

Jerry S.