Richard Jones' Log: Wiki in Django, anyone?
Has anyone got a wiki that I could plug into my existing Django installation? Minimum requirements:
- Obviously the basic wiki-linking, page creation, editing and removal,
- Page history with diffs and easy reversion of spam,
- Handling (upload / displaying) images, and
- "Login" for users to identify changes.
Nice to have:
- Control over cosmetics, and
- reStructuredText markup.
I'd use an existing wiki except my hosting has reached an "app" limit so I need to get it into my existing Django "app".
I'd be happy enough with moinmoin, but as I mentioned I'm kinda stuck with my web host and need a Django extension.
Someone should write a WSGI gateway for Django, so it can host MoinMoin (or whatever else)...
@Peter: Yeah, I found that when I googled before I posted. I need those other features I listed in my post.
@Ian: I guess that'd be cool :)
I have been working on this myself although so far all I have done is implemented a wikitags parser. This may be a good start for you though.
Check it out
I will be updating this soon with an interface for users to edit/add pages but at the moment I use it from the django admin interface to format my blog posts.
I have a django wiki project. Its called django-wikiapp, and is part of the Pinax project. It have revision control and multiple markuo support.
Moinmoin? I know it's not the django route... (can't you just build a
wiki in 20 miliseconds with django? ;)
moinmoin >= 1.5 can act as a wsgi app.
You can easily hook multiple wsgi apps together. Perhaps running your
django app as a wsgi app, with moinmoin attached.
However, then you'd probably need to work out how to share
authentication and autorisation between them.