Richard Jones' Log: Year planner PDF generation in Python
Sun, 09 Jan 2005
Rachel and I are trying to introduce some more planning into our lives. To this end, I looked around for some free year planning calendar, but to no avail. So, an hour of hacking later, here's some code ( that generates a couple of PDFs (Jan-Jun, Jul-Dec)
# v1.1 (C) 2005 Richard Jones # Generates 2 PDF pages for a "year planner". Year is hard-coded. # license: # Requires ReportLab PDF library <> import calendar from reportlab.lib import colors from import shapes, renderPDF YEAR = 2005 def half_year(startmon): '''"startmon" gives the 1-indexed month to start the page on''' mons = [] reqd = 0 # ask to figure the actual days for each month for mon in range(6): weeks = calendar.monthcalendar(YEAR, mon + startmon) weeks[-1] = filter(None, weeks[-1]) mdays = [] for week in weeks: mdays.extend(week) reqd = max(reqd, len(mdays)) mons.append(mdays) LEFTMARGIN = 5 DAYCOLWIDTH = 50 CELLWIDTH = 80 CELLHEIGHT = 19 TOPROWHEIGHT = 18 WIDTH = LEFTMARGIN + DAYCOLWIDTH + CELLWIDTH*6 HEIGHT = reqd * CELLHEIGHT + TOPROWHEIGHT d = shapes.Drawing(WIDTH, HEIGHT) # month headings for i in range(6): x = LEFTMARGIN + i*CELLWIDTH + DAYCOLWIDTH + CELLWIDTH/2 d.add(shapes.String(x, HEIGHT-14, calendar.month_abbr[i + startmon], fontSize=14, fontName='Times-Bold', textAnchor='middle')) # day row headings for i in range(reqd): y = HEIGHT - i*CELLHEIGHT - TOPROWHEIGHT d.add(shapes.String(LEFTMARGIN + 10, y-14, calendar.day_abbr[i%7], fontSize=14)) # cells for each day, light grey background if weekend lightgrey = colors.HexColor(0xD0D0D0) for j in range(6): x = LEFTMARGIN + j*CELLWIDTH + DAYCOLWIDTH for i in range(reqd): if i >= len(mons[j]) or not mons[j][i]: continue y = HEIGHT - i*CELLHEIGHT - TOPROWHEIGHT color = (i%7 > 4) and lightgrey or colors.white d.add(shapes.Rect(x, y, CELLWIDTH, -CELLHEIGHT, fillColor=color)) d.add(shapes.String(x+1, y-10, str(mons[j][i]), fontSize=10)) return d if __name__ == '__main__': renderPDF.drawToFile(half_year(1), 'calendar.jan-jun.pdf') renderPDF.drawToFile(half_year(7), 'calendar.jul-dec.pdf')
Just wondering if you have the generated files for next year (2008) - if it's possible would you be able to send a copy over?
Thanks so much!