I've had a few people poke around the interface, and a couple of people have used the registration code. No direct comments yet though :(
Well, I've added a search form which handles basic filtering. Neatened up the display code too. I've got a TODO list, which may or may not be actioned depending on enthusiasm from the community. Things like manual entry, user identification, download url and full package submission. The last won't be implemented on the 'cat since I can't afford to rent hat sort of disk space.
I've posted to the distutils mailing list asking about Trove support too - it has come up a few times in the mailing list archives, generally with "hey, this'd be useful" and "yeah, that sounds cool" but no-one ever actually included the Trove attributes in the metadata set...
Ho hum. Perhaps I need to write a PEP or someting...