Thu, 31 Oct 2002
... update #3

Bugger - I can't set up the rewrite rule on my web host... and they're on the other side of the planet. Bit of a delay now while we sort this bit out...

path: /python | permanent link |
... update #2

How about that - I turned off the mod_rewrite logging, and the file dialog went away. Gah. Well, I've got the registration and login process working now. Sample session:

[outpost:~/src/roundup/roundup]$ python2 register
running register
We need to know who you are, so please choose either:
 1. use your existing login,
 2. register as a new user,
 3. have the server send you a password reminder email, or
 4. quit
Your selection [default 1]: 2
Username: richard
You will receive an email shortly.
Follow the instructions in it to complete registration.

I get the email, click on the link and it responds "Registration Complete". I then:

[outpost:~/src/roundup/roundup]$ python2 register
running register
We need to know who you are, so please choose either:
 1. use your existing login,
 2. register as a new user,
 3. have the server send you a password reminder email, or
 4. quit
Your selection [default 1]: 1
Username: richard
Server response: Submission OK


path: /python | permanent link |
Module catalog update...

I've been working on getting the user and journalling support into the module catalog web interface, which has been going well. So far I'm supporting only Basic auth, but will eventually support Digest too. Unfortunately, I spent the train ride this morning fighting with apache and mod_rewrite to get the Authorization header passed through to my cgi-bin. I eventually got it going, but there's a strange side-effect: when accessing the cgi through tcpwatch it works fine, but directly with Konqueror, it doesn't (I get presented with a file download dialog.

path: /python | permanent link |