I've got a bunch of stuff scattered about the net that I've produced. Some of it is in a barely usable state, some of it more polished. I'll at least split them up into stuff I'm working on and stuff I've left aside for a while:
- Active
- PyWeek, my bi-annual game programming challenge.
- PyPI, the Python Cheese Shop / Package Index (project info).
- pyglet, a cross-platform multimedia library written in pure Python. It uses built-in operating system facilities on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows to provide windowing, drawing, event handling and so on.
- cocos2d, a cross-platform game library built on top of pyglet.
- html for simple, elegant HTML/XHTML generation in Python code.
- worm for a worm crawling across your terminal to display progress.
- Bruce the Presentation Tool, the presentation tool for Python programmers.
- Games
- Catch the Cootie (unfinished PyWeek solo entry)
- Endless Path (PyWeek solo entry)
- Abbey's Grand Adventure (PyWeek solo entry)
- Threads of Fate (PyWeek team, then Pyggy solo entry)
- Bouncy, the Hungry Rabbit (PyWeek solo entry)
- Steam Of The Colossus! (PyWeek solo entry)
- Power Core (PyWeek team entry)
- Ghosts (LD48 solo entry)
- Ducks! (LD48 solo entry)
- Not So Active (but working)
- Task Planner, my simple project management tool
- Web unit testing code
- ReStructuredText sandbox including a PythonPoint formatter for simple documents.
- Python Web Performance Tool (ok, the project's a bit slow, but the tool rocks :)
- GadflyB5: SQL Relational Database in Python (I'm maintaining it, I didn't write it :)
- PyOpenGL UFO code and piccies
- Notes on Optimising Zope
- Handed On
- Roundup, an issue (bug, helpdesk, you name it) tracker.
- My submission to the pygame font
mmm... skyscraper i love you
- gdmodule, a python interface to GD.
- Call Profiler - profile your Zope website (integrated into Zope 2.6)
- ReStructuredText Document for Zope (integrated into Zope 2.7)
- Graveyard (stuff that may still work)
- Mac OS X Zope Controller GUI
- Windows Zope Controller GUI
- Python Logging (PEP 282) extensions
- QA Testing product for Zope
- HTTPD logfile reporting tool